Monday, March 23, 2015

Sitting in the Dark

Sitting in the Dark
By:Peter Berube

If you are sitting in the dark
You might not see
But don’t worry
You don’t have to
There is nothing your eyes could see that would change your heart

If you are feeling lost
Know that you cannot be
You are HERE
To be lost would mean you should be somewhere else
Someone else
But that is impossible
You could only ever be you
You could only ever be here
Where you are needed
Where you will find yourself

If you are feeling trapped
Look at the cage
Through the cage
It has more holes than bars
More air than iron
You can breathe
Light can bounce seamlessly in and out of this prison
If the world can finds its way in
You can find your way out

If you are feeling uninspired
Relax and let go
Inspiration is a fleeting butterfly that you must chase
You will never catch it sitting down
It will never stay and wait for you
Clenching it tightly in your hands will only snuff it out
Let it fly
Then chase it
Let it lead
Then follow it

If you are feeling tired
But rest with purpose
Sleep with the intention of rising with strength
Never sleep to surrender
Get up when you are ready
You will know when
Not because someone has turned on the light
But when you have the courage to stand up

And take a step into the dark

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